1.6. Libraries

Paperboy uses three libraries that you will need to have installed:

Libcurl is used to download files. If you have difficulties downloading files properly (perhaps because of something like proxies or authentication issues) chances are you only need to configure libcurl or your environment differently. How to do this is discussed under Advanced Usage.

Libxml2 is used to parse the files and libxslt, which is a layer on top of libxml2, is used to do the manipulations

In addition to these libraries, you will need their header files and any libraries they depend on. You can obtain the libraries from their main websites, but they are probably also available through your package manager of choice which is a much easier route to follow.

Presently, the building process (though not the general use) of Paperboy requires Perl. If you're on a POSIX system this is most likely already installed. If it is not and it would be a burden for you to install it, let us know and we can work on changing the build process so Perl isn't necessary.